Give Some Help to Your Community
A worst thing is that some of the people end up using the time for malicious purposes.
People need to be given a way to use their time usefully.
Moreover they need to feel satisfaction in what they are doing, and they need to believe that what they are doing is really needed.
Non-governmental organizations very often are in need of people who volunteer to carry out a particular task for them.
These organizations need a lot of money in order to be able to operate.
For this reason, they would be grateful if they find some volunteers, who offer to help them out.
This help may be given out sporadically and may not be continuous.
It will actually be the volunteer himself to decide when and how to be of assistance.
Since there may be a substantial amount of volunteers from a particular community, the work may be divided amongst them all thus reducing the stress on the individuals.
Volunteers may choose to help organizations in which they are interested in, and will only be doing tasks that they offer to do.
It is to be ensured that the organizations are not fake.
Moreover volunteers' private data must be secured at all times.
Care must be taken that when giving out some of the volunteers' details they are given out to true organizations who have a non malicious purpose.