Forgotten Lessons by The Poets
Imagine a day without Shakespeare, and you will lose the vital juice from your aesthetic approach.
No one can think of acute knowledge without going through the 'paradise' and losing it to Satan.
Moreover, most of the people who associate with literary practice cannot forget the words of Matthew Arnold.
Arnold ascribed to poetry a heightened value when he said it the 'study of life'.
Poets and poetry have significant roles to play in the human society.
This article focuses on bringing out some forgotten lessons by the poets.
"Society is all but rude, to this delicious solitude:" Centuries ago, these lines were penned by Andrew Marvel.
He was complaining of the ignorance of people regarding the bliss of solitude.
In the time when he wrote this poem, people ignored to spend sometimes in a garden or a place away from the rush of the world.
The lessons by Marvel are in application today.
Modern life has become full of tedium.
People are craving to spend some time in loneliness, meditation or solitude.
Better late than never! The life of W.
Yeats was full of worthy lessons to be learned by the readers.
Yeats was a lost lover who could not understand (or perhaps he understood the greatest mystery of life) the need of his emotional strife.
One can go through his poem and try to understand the immortal lesson: "Why should I blame her that she filled my days With misery, or that she would of late Have taught to ignorant men most violent ways," The poet here tries to warn the readers about the worst form of love.
Failure in love affairs does not mean that one should take revenge on his beloved.
However, the modern scenario in India is full of such examples.
Girls have to bear acid attacks; they have to lose their lives if they deny the approach of a love relationship.
The poet is dead, no doubt; have the readers died too? The last prominent lesson I would like to present here is by W.
Auden was a great poet (and also unfortunate that he could not win the Nobel prize).
An ardent reading of these lines will bring out many things related to our life: "What they call History is nothing to vaunt of, being made, as it is, by the criminal in us: goodness is timeless.
" Is there a need to say something else? I request all the readers and poets to give back something to these masters.
21st of May is deemed as World Poets Day.
Celebrate it and register your support to these masters.