Penis Enlargement Exercises - Enhance Penis Size in a Different Way Naturally!
In the Internet, you can also see different ways to increase the penis size.
Even in the television today, they offer a lot of ways to increase your tool whether it would be products such as herbal medicines, pills, creams, etc.
and even devices like extenders and stretchers or even some of their program exercises.
Penis enlargement exercise is the clinically proven way of enhancing the penis size naturally.
Usually, when you search for ways in the Internet for natural penis enhancement, it will provide you the basic methods such as Jelq.
In this article, I will be discussing more of the penis enlargement exercises.
Some are very advanced in nature so be sure that you know first all the basics.
These exercises are methods used aside from the basic Jelq.
It helps to increase the effectiveness in producing best results.
First up is the power stretch method.
In this procedure, you will be holding the head of your penis and stretch it away from you or in an outward movement or direction.
You will be holding it up to 6 seconds.
Repeat that procedure going for a right direction then to a left direction.
Also, pull your penis downwards and hold it again for up to 6 seconds.
This method should be performed at least 12 sets a day.
Another method is the round or circular stretch technique.
This exercise involves power stretch method with a twist.
Stretch the penis in an outward direction, holding it away from you.
While holding it firmly for 6 seconds, start to rotate the penis slowly into a counterclockwise direction by reaching the start point.
Repeat it by going for a clockwise direction.
Do the process all over again.
Make sure you do it in an alternate way.
You should be doing this for at least 25 times a day.
Another different technique is the Advanced Jelq.
Advanced Jelq is almost the same as the basic Jelq but it has more pressure applying into the penis.
By doing the Jelq technique, stroke the penis outwards and hold it for 10-12 seconds, this technique should be done at least 15 strokes a day.
One thing to remember by doing this, you should familiarize yourself more in the Basic Jelq before doing such an advanced technique.
These are just some of the most uncommon ways of enhancing the size of man's precious tool.
You can do this anytime, anywhere.