3 Credit Reports and Scores - Exposed Dangers Of You Not Knowing
Why? Because in the United States there are a lot of things based on your credit score.
Your car insurance for instance will be substantially more expensive if someone has screwed up your credit and you've done nothing to fix it.
Health insurance? You bet! They base some of their rates on your credit score as well.
Are you getting the picture here? Not yet? Okay how about every time you make an interest payment, or a credit card company re-evaluates your account? Do you think not knowing your credit scores will be the best policy to protect you against that? Of course not.
The fact is that you need to find out where you are financially by first determining what's is good and bad with your credit, or if someone has made you a victim and you don't even know it yet.
What will happen if you never find out until it's too late? Do you want to imagine your future as someone who always rents an apartment because no bank will ever give them a loan to buy your own home and live the American dream? That's why you need to know your scores, and have your reports.
But only you can decide to protect yourself.