The Irony and Agony of Having More Fun at Work - Getting a "Leg-Up" on 2008
What a great time to review prior years' successes and to coach one another on getting really clear about the vision and objectives for individual and collaborative business development in the New Year.
Early in January, I got together with my trusted colleague, Sue Edwards.
Our theme was "More Fun".
To reinforce our shared vision of incorporating more fun in our businesses (for us and our clients), we decided to take a recess and go ice-skating.
Like two young girls, we were excited to lace up our skates, get on the ice, and experience child-like fun and freedom.
Ice-skating was my childhood passion; before the serious part of adult responsibility set in.
This was an opportunity to relive a sense of lightness and freedom.
The Irony On my last go-round, I tripped on the blue line and made what I thought was the most elegant landing on the ice that day.
I had a sense of lightness and freedom just at that split-second before hitting the ice.
Being no stranger to falling on the ice, I dusted myself off, put on the brave face, and continued to skate around the rink one more time.
Sue and I continued our work in the afternoon with a few interruptions to reapply fresh ice to my knee.
By the end of the day, it was quite evident that my knee had been traumatized.
The Agony X-rays later revealed that I fractured my left patella (knee cap).
I am sporting a full-leg splint until the end of February.
The "Leg-up" With my leg up on a pillow, I consciously chose to make the best of this unexpected challenge.
I am getting "knee-deep" (pun obviously intended) in research and writing.
I am visiting clients and attending business networking events to stay connected.
I am flying to Ottawa in February and preparing for the airport security issues around my splint.
That will be fun.
I am most grateful to witness first-hand how people step up to lend a hand and accommodate my special needs.
I am delighted when they join in and share the irony and humor in my story.
There's lots of laughter in the workplace.
Here's just a sampling of the comments I have received.
Warning: Some are corny, but laughter truly is the best medicine.
"So, you want more fun in your life? Be careful what you ask for.
" "Is that considered to be a workplace injury?" "Looks like you've got a "leg up" on the rest of us - starting the new year.
" The AHA! When Sue and I talked about our accomplishments in 2007, we recognized that several were the result of unexpected challenges.
These unexpected challenges presented unexpected opportunities and gave us a "leg-up" to new levels of competency and choice personally and professionally.
The Lesson Facing unexpected challenges with a sense of humor and a commitment to make the best of the situation stirs creativity and promotes a healthier positive movement forward.
This positive mentality also engages others who gladly offer and follow through with their support.
"If you can laugh at it, you can survive it.
" Bill Cosby.
My Message Develop your unique inner sense of humor to respond to unexpected challenges.
Add fun in all areas of your life including and especially at work.
Everyone wins!