This is How to Grow and Expand Your Internet Business and Create a HUGE Network
No matter what multi level marketing business you choose to get involved with, they all stress the need to build a network of people who will produce a continuous cash flow for you.
The problem is, just HOW do you effectively recruit people to join your network? The truth is, recruiting is a pain.
In fact, for over 95% of the people who start an MLM business, this is where they fall apart.
The sad truth is despite all the great technical training many of these MLM companies give you.
In spite of all the help your sponsor may offer, the chances are very good that no one is giving you the real tools for recruiting new members into your organization.
In fact, with what they are teaching you, it's a wonder if you've managed to recruit ANYONE at all! All those marketing strategies of: Talk to your friends and relatives.
Talk to people on the checkout line.
Buy mailing lists.
Invest in PPC advertising.
Subscribe to bulk mailings.
Etc etc..
Those were all great ideas five years ago, but in today's internet community, they are TOTALLY WORTHLESS.
The present internet user is much more sophisticated, now.
He or she is also far more cynical and suspicious of any marketing pitch being thrown at them.
With all the spam and robotic auto-responders, flooding this person's inbox, is it any wonder that you're being ignored? The key element to succeeding in the MLM business is to separate yourself from the crowd of thousands of other marketers who all sound alike.
The best way to do this is to shift your focus.
Stop looking at the short term, and start seeing things in a long term plan.
Your goal must be to build a loyal following of people who choose to seek you out for what you can do for them.
Don't be so fixated on having to sell them something.
Instead, focus your attentions on trying to help them solve their problems, and DON'T ask for any financial compensation.
You will attract a lot of people this way.
Many of them will take your information, and you will never see anything in return from them.
Accept that.
The ones who DO acknowledge your help, will do so in various ways.
They will follow your recommendations and become clients or associates of yours.
They will refer other people to you, who will also become either customers or associates of yours.
THAT is how your network will grow.
People do not buy into sales pitches or catchy phrases.
People join and associate with people they like and trust.
Your goal should be to become someone who people like and trust.
See you at the top!