Five Golden Tips on How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You
Before getting into the tips and tricks on how to make a guy fall in love with you, it is important that you keep in mind the fact that you should not jump the gun. Instead of being blatant and brazen about your feelings, it would be more appropriate to drop subtle hints. Remember that relationships that start out slowly, tend to mature and evolve better...they are akin to wine, which only gets better with age. So, make your strides slowly but surely.
Don't Expect Clairvoyance from Your Partner
Men certainly aren't the best mind readers around. Even if your feelings for him have started evolving into something more than mere friendship, the same may not be very easily apparent to him. Even though you may not be very keen to be the first one to say, "I Love You" to him, you can very well drop subtle hints that point towards the longevity and commitment that you are expecting from the relationship. Keep in mind the fact that poor communication is responsible for the souring of very many relationships. Therefore, in the interest of the betterment of your own relationship, make sure you do the following:
- Convey to him, his importance in your life
- Freely express your future aspirations in life
- Mention specific instances that clearly convey the fabulous relationship that you have with him
- Allow him to know you as best as possible so that he too gets an opportunity to showcase himself accurately to you
- Emphasize the common interests that both of you share in life, be it cooking or gardening and so on
Don't Put On Pressure
As mentioned above, subtlety is the key. Your own feelings notwithstanding, you should not force your partner to commit to something big and long-term in your relationship. You can continue to drop the hints but you should not pin him into a corner where he is compelled to portray a similar, albeit untrue picture of his own feelings. Remember that love and feelings can never be forced out of another person.
Managing External Forces
There might be a situation wherein your guy ends up spending significant amounts of time with his single buddies, at the cost of spending quality time with you. Although you should not, by any chances, force him to drop his friends for you, you could certainly try to influence upon him the importance of spending time with you. You could also get him to spend time with some of your married couple friends, so that he too gets a sense of the positive vibes that a couple together manages to generate.
Spending Time with Each Other
Being together in a relationship does not necessarily mean clinging on to one another, every moment of the day. Rather, it is more meaningful to spend quality time together in such a manner that every moment spent in each other's company becomes a memory to be cherished. You could do so by the following ways:
- Plan weekends together
- Work out some love-filled candlelight dinners
- Work out love-filled situations, on the spur of the moment
- Do just absolutely anything special that totally delights him
Having mentioned the above, remember that the above tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you are not just about his falling for you... hook, line and sinker. Instead, it is about spending some great moments and some quality time together.
Sending Out Definitive Signals
Eventually, on the how to make a guy fall in love with you trip, if your guy simply does not take the hints and signals that you are giving out, perhaps it would be time for you to clearly convey your feelings for him blatantly. At the same time, you could also give him some sort of a time frame by which he needs to clearly convey to you, his own feelings for you. Just in case your man is one more of the many out there - with the commitment phobia, it would be more desirous of you to let him go rather than push your case, too much and too far. Be assured that someone somewhere is surely made out there - just for you.