Myths About Weight Lifting For Women
Weight l?fting for women has often been asso?iated w?th myths. Ther? are many wo?en who simply refu?e to do weight training because they believe these myths. The truth is, weight lifting fo? w?men is ? very go?d way to exerc?se and burn fat. You can use it to ach?eve the results you want in your body.
When ?ost women think of weight tra?ning, they think of female body builders, and how the? look huge. They think that if they tr?in ?ith weights, they ?ill get a large, masculine physique. The truth is, th? female body does not prod?ce the am?unt ?f testosterone it takes in ?rder t? ?uild u? muscles that big. Female body ?uilders take ster?ids in order t? look like that. Naturally, women w?ll not achieve that result from reg?lar strength training exercise.
Women sometimes think that strength training will reduce the size of your breasts. Again, this ?s false. The ?pposite ?s ?ctually tru?. When you strengthen th? underlying che?t muscles your breasts ?ill ?ctually b? lifted, ?nd h?ve better contours. You will g?t ?etter cleavage and p?rkier brea?ts. The? will not di?inish in size.
The final myth we will talk about is the myth that ?fter you sto? weight training, ?ll ?f the m?scles will tu?n into fat. This ?s actually not e?en possible. Muscle and fat are two ver? different tiss?es in the body. One cannot turn into the oth?r. You can lo?e m?scle mass, and gain fat, but one cannot turn into the other.
If yo? are looking f?r a good ?trength training routine, check out Max Workouts. It has ?een designed to qui?kly tone your body and burn f?t and is ?ery effecti?e. Fre? your m?nd of the above myths and introduce weight training in order to lose we?ght.