Bullous Pemphigoid Skin Disease
- Bullous pemphigoid is a skin condition caused by an attack of the body's autoimmune system. Within the skin is a layer called the basement layer. The basement layer is a protein-based membrane that serves as the foundation for the remaining layers of skin. On occasion the body's immune system releases antibodies referred to as immunoglobulins that will infiltrate the basement layer and begin to attach themselves to the protein in the basement layer cells. The immunoglobulins then begin to attract cells that create inflammation in the skin and this creates bullous pemphigus.
- The most common symptom of bullous pemphigoid is large blisters that cover the skin in random parts of the body. These blisters can become large, some the size of a dime, and they are filled with pus and clear fluid. On occasion they will burst and crust over. They can appear anywhere on the outer layer of skin and inside the mouth as well. Other symptoms include red rashes in the affected area, severe itching in the affected area and bleeding from the gums if mouth sores are involved.
- A doctor will diagnose bullous pemphigoid by taking a sample of the affected tissue and running it through a series of tests. Bullous pemphigoid can be diagnosed as a condition by itself, or it may be associated with other conditions such as other autoimmune diseases such as lupus or some forms of cancer.
- The Mayo Clinic states that bullous pemphigoid is a condition that is more commonly found in adults over 60. It is very rare in small children.
- The most common treatment for bullous pemphigoid is steroids used to suppress the condition. Extended use of steroids can make the bones brittle and increase the possibility of fractures, so this treatment is often used on a limited basis for older patients. A doctor may also prescribe a medication that suppresses the immune system as treatment for bullous pemphigoid. Immune system suppression is also used on a limited basis because a suppressed immune system leaves the body unable to fight of infection and can lead to other infectious diseases. Treatment for bullous pemphigoid centers around putting the condition into remission as there is no permanent cure.