Bad Credit Personal Loans - How to Get a Personal Loan Regardless of Credit!
First, you should always start with your bank because you never know. They may be able to help you and if they can they will have the lowest interest rate out there, which will save you some cash. Plus you already have a relationship with them so chances are they will be a bit more understanding if you have always been a good customer. If they cannot approve you they will usually be straight forward with the reason why and will offer ways to help you.
Second, if your bank cannot help you can go a different route to get bad credit personal loans. You can use one of the non conventional lenders that will require less from you as far as credit goes. They will have higher rates, but they will just want to see that you have paid something on time for at least 6 months on your credit. They will also want to see that you have the income to pay them back for the bad credit personal loans they can give you.
Last, if neither of the above work you can try a company called prosper. This is an online marketplace that helps to connect individual lenders with individual borrowers. The good thing is that you get a chance to explain why your credit is bad and what you really need the loan for. Plus these are people that are going to be lending you the money and not companies so they can make up their own mind without having standards to go by.