Easy Grass Seeds
- The level of preparation depends on the condition of the ground. If the ground is unfinished, or naturally rough, use a rotary tiller to smooth out at least the first six inches of dirt. If the ground is finished, which is usually the case, smooth out and level the surface with a rake. The ground should be smooth and drain away from your home.
- Spread the grass seeds over the area and work the seeds into the soil with a hoe. If you are seeding a large area you may wish to use a verticutter to prepare the soil and rotary seeder to spread the seeds; to combine the two steps you can use a verticutter equipped with a seat hopper. After you have planted the grass seeds, spreading a starter fertilizer over the area is recommended.
- After you have planted your grass seeds, you must keep the ground and seeds wet. Water the area frequently as the grass grows, never allowing the ground to dry out. Keep up this level of watering until the grass is well established, only then should you reduce the frequency of watering.