How to Dazzle on Job Interviews
Your wants and needs matter even less.
Getting a good job starts with a great interview and that means acknowledging the interview process is not just about you.
It's equally important you understand the job you're applying for, what the company does and how it operates.
Without information about the job you may be putting yourself in a position of someone having little conviction or commitment.
Worse yet, it may send a signal you have an entitlement mentality.
Competition for good jobs is fierce.
Relying on skills, education and experience is not enough to cut it.
You must demonstrate you're not simply a candidate but the best candidate.
Target your presentation to the company and people you're interviewing with.
Base your presentation on filling needs and fitting in.
Don't leave key points to the interviewer's imagination.
Approach every interview like it's an opportunity to work for the next Cisco or Google.
Keep in mind you can turn down a poor job offer but once you've blown an opportunity and been shown the door, it's almost impossible to get back in.
The knowledge you gain before the interview is what separates you from average.
It's what helps get you to the top of the must-have list.
Use the internet to research the company.
Seek help from people that can give you insight.
In short, do whatever it takes to position you as the outstanding candidate and nothing less.
Don't take the risk of knocking yourself out of contention because you weren't willing to do the homework.
The secret to dazzling on job interviews is being prepared.
Good interviews are not likely to happen by accident.