How to Recycle Paper Pulp
- 1). Remove glass and backing from the picture frame.
- 2). Cover the frame-mold with screen wire or old panty hose--be sure to stretch the wire or hose very tightly over the frame.
- 3). Cut felt or flannel scraps into rectangles at least 1" larger than the frame-mold on all sides--for example, if your frame-mold is 4" x 6", the felt should be 6" x 8".
- 1). Tear or shred paper into small bits and add to the blender or food processor until it is about half full. Fill the blender with warm water and blend slowly. Increase speed gradually until the pulp is well blended.
- 2). Fill the plastic dish pan about half full with warm water--approximately 4" deep. Add three blenders of pulp to the water in the dishpan, mixing after you add each blender. Add 2 tablespoons of white school glue to the water-pulp mix in the dishpan and mix well.
- 3). Re-mix the pulp again before each mold. Submerge the frame-mold in the dishpan, scooping to the bottom to collect pulp on top of the screen. Lift the frame-mold to the surface slowly--this should take about 30 seconds. Tilt the frame-mold from side to side at the surface of the water to smooth the pulp in the frame-mold. Lift the frame-mold and let the excess water drain through the screen.
- 1). Lay the frame-mold on a work table and cover with a square of felt. Carefully turn the frame-mold over, so that the paper rests directly on the felt. Press the back of the frame-mold with the sponge to press out excess water--wring the sponge out into the dishpan.
- 2). Lift the frame-mold off of the paper slowly while holding down the felt square. Stack the felt squares and wet paper on the cookie sheet until you have a stack of about a dozen squares.
- 3). Place a square of felt on top of the stack of molded papers. Place the second cookie sheet on top of the stack and slowly press down. Lift and tilt the cookie sheets to drain out any excess water.
- 4). Separate the felt squares and spread them out onto a table to allow the paper to dry for a day or two, or until it feels dry to the touch.
- 5). Remove the dried paper sheets from the felt squares and press gently with a hot clothes iron on a dry setting to remove any remaining moisture.