The Love Formula
If you are ready for a long term committed relationship but struggling to recognise the signs which will tell you if you have met ‘the one' you will be very pleased to know that those clever people and relationship scientists at eHarmony have come up with a formula which can predict if you have the right ingredients for love to last.
Company +
It is important that your partner gets along with your close family and friends. This mans they will encourage and support the bond between you rather than be a source of stress or conflict in the relationship. You don't all have to be best mates but it is important that you all respect each other and get along in social situations.
Time +
In order to have a relationship that lasts you need to enjoy each others company. You don't have to be joined at the hip but it is essential that you have things in common and relish the time you have together learning from each other and trying new experiences.
Chemistry +
In order for you to become more than just good friends there needs to be some chemistry between you. It doesn't have to be a fiery furnace of passion straight away (relationships like that often burn out pretty quickly) but there needs to be an essential spark and sexual energy between you. If your sexual appetites are similar that is also a real bonus because you will both be getting your needs met.
Commitment +
You both need to be on the same page in terms of commitment ready and willing to take the next step together. If one of you is dragging their feet it will upset the balance of the relationship. If you are ready to move on and your partner isn't stop and wait for them to catch up. If you are worried they never will then the chances are that you are with the wrong person.
Trust +
This is the cornerstone of a happy relationship, you need to trust that your partner has your best interests, and those of the relationship, at heart. Without this it will be unlikely that love will last.
Open honest communication is essential. You neeed to be able to talk about your plans, your feelings your hopes and your dreams. You need to be able to disagree with each other and tell someone when they have upset you. Most importantly you need to be able to tell them how you feel about them and appreciate all that they bring to your life.
Or at least the very best chance at having a lasting committed relationship which will survive through life's ups and downs.
Company +
It is important that your partner gets along with your close family and friends. This mans they will encourage and support the bond between you rather than be a source of stress or conflict in the relationship. You don't all have to be best mates but it is important that you all respect each other and get along in social situations.
Time +
In order to have a relationship that lasts you need to enjoy each others company. You don't have to be joined at the hip but it is essential that you have things in common and relish the time you have together learning from each other and trying new experiences.
Chemistry +
In order for you to become more than just good friends there needs to be some chemistry between you. It doesn't have to be a fiery furnace of passion straight away (relationships like that often burn out pretty quickly) but there needs to be an essential spark and sexual energy between you. If your sexual appetites are similar that is also a real bonus because you will both be getting your needs met.
Commitment +
You both need to be on the same page in terms of commitment ready and willing to take the next step together. If one of you is dragging their feet it will upset the balance of the relationship. If you are ready to move on and your partner isn't stop and wait for them to catch up. If you are worried they never will then the chances are that you are with the wrong person.
Trust +
This is the cornerstone of a happy relationship, you need to trust that your partner has your best interests, and those of the relationship, at heart. Without this it will be unlikely that love will last.
Open honest communication is essential. You neeed to be able to talk about your plans, your feelings your hopes and your dreams. You need to be able to disagree with each other and tell someone when they have upset you. Most importantly you need to be able to tell them how you feel about them and appreciate all that they bring to your life.
Or at least the very best chance at having a lasting committed relationship which will survive through life's ups and downs.