How to Advertise Blog With These 4 Blog Comment Strategies
However, it does not mean that you should post your comment on every blog you read.
Choosing a right blog to post is a skill that you can learn.
Here you can find four strategies to use for posting comment to other people's blog.
How popular is this blog? If you are commenting on blog, which has only a few visitors per day, you cannot expect that a flood of traffic will come to your blog.
Because the number of people who reads the blog is less, it may also mean that only a small amount of people will read your comment and go to your site.
Therefore, if you want to advertise you blog by commenting other blogs, try to find those blogs that are equally popular or more popular than your blog.
You can use the page rank of a blog as a reference to determine how important this blog page is.
The blog has similar interest as you There is really no point in posting a blog comment that is totally unrelated to your blog.
Although a direct connection is not necessary, it is much preferred.
For example, if you have a blog that talks about computer software, you should not limit yourself to comment on other blog, which also talks about the same thing.
Commenting on blog talking about programming language, which is used to write the software, or other people's experience on using that software, are also a very good start in advertise your blog.
A tip on determines the nature of any blog is by looking at the blog description.
If the blogger is lazy enough of not providing such kind of information, read their blog and find out if they are targeting the same keywords as yours, by counting how many times a specific keyword appeared.
Opportunity of Reciprocity When you start blogging, what you focus on is the content of your blog.
And then let other blogger to reciprocate your action.
No matter you are the first one to be contacted by other blogger, chances are that they want you to comment on their blog because you are having good content in your blog.
Or in reverse, try to trace back the comment of your blog, find out the website other blogger left on your blog.
Then go to their website and see if there are any link exchange opportunities coming in.
Find Blogs that are Targeting Similar Market When you are advertising your blog through posting comment, you are not limited to posting on blog that has similar topic as yours.
With detail research and planning, you are able to generate traffic by commenting on blogs that have quite different target visitors.
For example, if you have a dance blog and you find out that there is a food blog that has very high traffic, you can consider posting comment on it.
At first, it seems that there are no direct relationship between them.
However, both of these blogs are targeting the same age group.
Moreover, those two blogs may even target on same geographical area! If you are able to find a connection between both your target markets, you may probably find a very beneficial link exchange opportunity.
It will also work simply by commenting on their blog, with your blog link inserted.
Doing this required detail and careful planning.
The key point is that you need to find out a common interest that you and your blog partner have.
You will be able to find one by focusing on your target market.
Going back to the dance blog and food blog example, given their target market are both teenagers, the strategy on blog comment is that, posting a comment on dance blog about the most suitable food for dancers who may participate in competition.
Or posting a comment on food blog that, how a dancer can benefit from taking certain food.
Well, when there are some times that you just want to reply to a blog post by commenting without considering any blog advertising issue, it is completely fine.
Even if there is no real benefit immediately on in the short period of time, always giving out your idea will, in certain extend, gain your reputation in the long term.