Why Liberty League International (LLI) Was Not For Me
First of all the products Liberty League sells are in the personal development sector. I did not have a huge problem with this, other then the fact that it seems there are multiple MLM companies that sell the same type of product. My main concern with LLI was the fact that they are not totally internet based. It is hard for me to imagine a network marketing opportunity these days lasting to much longer when a large part of its business is still done by snail mail. This day and age people want their information instantly and Liberty League does not provide that for their customer base.
The second old fashioned aspect I did not like about Liberty League was the fact that their marketing system was not totally 100% automated. I like a business model in which I will continue to make money even when I am not physically there making it happen. The fact that I can have access to opportunities and marketing systems nowadays that qualify leads and will close sales for me trumps the old MLM structure like LLI every single time. Do not get me wrong I did the hotel meetings, the cold calling leads, I am just happy now I have another alternative to that style.
My hope is that I have given you some facts to ponder when deciding to join Liberty League. Good Luck in your network marketing endeavors and remember no matter which company you ultimately decide to work for, hard work will always be the number 1 factor in your success.