Forgiveness - The Key To Achieving Your Success
Achieving your success begins with thought.
This is both an enormously liberating truth and a horrifyingly confronting one.
Achieving your success can be blocked by unforgiveness and negative emotions.
When we first discover the universal laws we often feel judged and blamed for being treated badly, getting sick or being poor.
After all, did we create abusive parents or an abusive spouse? Did we ask to be born into poverty and have a lack of love and support in our lives? The wonderful, freeing news is that the universal laws of life are impersonal.
This is the most powerful tool you can have and use for achieving your success.
The strong negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions which often form out of a painful childhood are attracting more of the same treatment into your life and stopping you from achieving your success.
If life has taught you to expect rejection, you are going to experience it.
It is just how life works and no amount of disagreeing with it is going to make any difference.
Achieving your success will depend upon your willingness to live in harmony with the laws of life.
Living in the past and experiencing painful emotions repetitively is a very dangerous place to be because you are painting the canvas of your life with darkness and sorrow.
So what price are you willing to pay for achieving your success? Forgiveness is an important key to erasing the effects of unconscious creation and achieving your success.
It is a gift you give yourself.
It doesn't mean that what someone did is okay.
It doesn't mean you have to allow that behavior again nor does it mean you have to have the person in your life.
It simply means the debt is cancelled.
We need to decide that while we may have been victims once, we refuse to continually suffer for someone else's behavior.
Why should you be denied achieving your success because of past sufferings and mistakes? Once you realize that forgiveness is in your own best interests, it is so much easier to let go of resentments and bitterness.
The moment you do this, magic happens.
Your world experiences a profound shift.
You are no longer bound and you are free to move forward.
You can choose to change beliefs that do not work for you and accept new positive beliefs and behaviors.
You can begin the journey from darkness to light, from failure to achieving your success.
Your world will radically alter as your emotions, beliefs and thoughts move into alignment with the universal laws of life.
Once you get through the rough initial period of sometimes dramatic change, the fun part of achieving your success begins.
Achieving your success becomes possible when you believe it is possible.
Now you get to paint the canvas of your life from a vast array of colors, using your own unique style.
You are the creative genius of your own world.
Isn't that the most wonderful news?
This is both an enormously liberating truth and a horrifyingly confronting one.
Achieving your success can be blocked by unforgiveness and negative emotions.
When we first discover the universal laws we often feel judged and blamed for being treated badly, getting sick or being poor.
After all, did we create abusive parents or an abusive spouse? Did we ask to be born into poverty and have a lack of love and support in our lives? The wonderful, freeing news is that the universal laws of life are impersonal.
This is the most powerful tool you can have and use for achieving your success.
The strong negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions which often form out of a painful childhood are attracting more of the same treatment into your life and stopping you from achieving your success.
If life has taught you to expect rejection, you are going to experience it.
It is just how life works and no amount of disagreeing with it is going to make any difference.
Achieving your success will depend upon your willingness to live in harmony with the laws of life.
Living in the past and experiencing painful emotions repetitively is a very dangerous place to be because you are painting the canvas of your life with darkness and sorrow.
So what price are you willing to pay for achieving your success? Forgiveness is an important key to erasing the effects of unconscious creation and achieving your success.
It is a gift you give yourself.
It doesn't mean that what someone did is okay.
It doesn't mean you have to allow that behavior again nor does it mean you have to have the person in your life.
It simply means the debt is cancelled.
We need to decide that while we may have been victims once, we refuse to continually suffer for someone else's behavior.
Why should you be denied achieving your success because of past sufferings and mistakes? Once you realize that forgiveness is in your own best interests, it is so much easier to let go of resentments and bitterness.
The moment you do this, magic happens.
Your world experiences a profound shift.
You are no longer bound and you are free to move forward.
You can choose to change beliefs that do not work for you and accept new positive beliefs and behaviors.
You can begin the journey from darkness to light, from failure to achieving your success.
Your world will radically alter as your emotions, beliefs and thoughts move into alignment with the universal laws of life.
Once you get through the rough initial period of sometimes dramatic change, the fun part of achieving your success begins.
Achieving your success becomes possible when you believe it is possible.
Now you get to paint the canvas of your life from a vast array of colors, using your own unique style.
You are the creative genius of your own world.
Isn't that the most wonderful news?