5 Tips For Battling Pregnancy Insomnia
Many women experience insomnia as part of their pregnancy.
It feels almost ridiculous that you can feel so tired, but still not sleep.
Here are five tips for battling your pregnancy insomnia:
It feels almost ridiculous that you can feel so tired, but still not sleep.
Here are five tips for battling your pregnancy insomnia:
- Try not to drink ninety minutes before bed time: One common cause of pregnancy insomnia is the frequent urge to urinate at night.
Settling down to sleep and then having to make yourself get up, switch on the lights and go to the toilets is confusing for your brain and may leave you unable to sleep even after your bladder is empty.
Avoiding drinks ninety minutes before bed time will allow you to empty your bladder before bed time. - Write down your worries before bed time: A busy mind could be causing your pregnancy insomnia.
Whether it is worries about day to day life, your pregnancy, the birth or parenting, those worries will keep your brain ticking over and leave you unable to sleep.
Studies have shown that writing down your worries before bed time can help clear your mind before going to sleep.
If you find that you are waking up during the night worrying, move in to another room and write down your worries.
You may find it easier to get back to sleep. - Pregnancy Aromatherapy: Pregnancy aromatherapy is safe after the first trimester and is a great way to relax.
Add a few drops of lavender or ylang-ylang oil to your bath before bed time to achieve pregnancy relaxation.
If you find yourself waking during the night, add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to your pillow, lie back and breathe in deeply.
Remember to only use essential oils that are safe to be inhaled during pregnancy. - Use meditation aids and relaxing music: You can now buy meditation aids for as little as £0.
79 on Amazon.
These aids will guide you through a relaxation process and help reset your brain for sleep.
Relaxing music such as ocean, thunderstorm and rainforest sounds are also great for helping you relax and can guide you in to a deep sleep.
Play your chosen downloads as you are falling to sleep and if you wake during the night, play them again. - Try pregnancy homeopathy: If you find that a common pregnancy side effect such as nausea or constipation is keeping you awake, try a homeopathic remedy designed to battle your ailment.
Pregnancy homeopathy stimulates your body's natural responses to battle your unwanted side effect.
Remember to ask the midwife or obstetrician leading your pregnancy care before using pregnancy homeopathy.