Vietnam Tourism Marketing
- In 2008, the Vietnamese tourism industry expressed concern over the inefficiency of its tourism marketing, in spite of improvements made since 2006. The industry approximated that nearly $1 million would be spent the same year on international media for tourism.
- The original objectives set in 2006 included a goal of a 20 percent increase in international arrivals and a social income of around U.S. $5 billion.
- Tasks needed to accomplish the set objectives include enhancing promotional activities, diversifying and improving on Vietnamese tourism products and improving the efficiency of the State Administration of Tourism.
- As part of the original 2005-2006 marketing goals, the Vietnamese tourism authorities chose the marketing slogan "Vietnam---The Hidden Charm." The slogan helped increase international visitors, but authorities decided to change it for the 2011-2015 period. In March 2010, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism decided on the new slogan "Vietnam---Your Destination." The Administration is urging hotels and tour operators to offer discounts to coincide with the promotion.