Use and Importance of Mobile Applications
A recent study shows that one-third of the users are still using the smartphones for only playing the games. This shows the ignorance of the people since the smartphones have numerous other advantages in the field of business, education, real life activities and also for various purposes. A survey indicates that games apps are downloaded in a higher rate, then comes the weather forecasting and navigation map. These applications are build to provide services for the people. With weather forecasting, people can predict the climate of a particular location and with navigation mapping they can find the route to the desired location from anywhere in the world.
Since the uses of the applications are higher, we also have to concentrate on the resources that contribute to the effective use of these applications. One of the most important area is the platforms. There are more number of platforms available in the market. The Android and iPhone are the well known among them. The mobile application development has also made a remarkable growth in these two areas. The Android application development and iPhone application development are more popular among the people.
Most of the apps are developed to meet the standards of the end users. The platforms used for developing the applications includes a SDK environment. This environment is used for developing the codes and to test the applications. Finally they are uploaded into the application stores. Some apps require approval from the concerned council of authorities for publishing in the app store such as the apps developed in the iPhone platform. Once these apps are recognized people are allowed to download the apps from the stores.The iPhone users are allowed to download the app from the Apple store. Since Apple has laid some rules for downloading the application for security purposes.
Thus mobile application development has taken the people into a new world. They can have everything from their own place starting from shopping to weather prediction. Nevertheless, people have to make use of these applications for their day to day activities.