Get Back Your Ex and Restore a Wounded Relationship - This is a Guaranteed Way to Get Your Ex Back
Act cool than getting hyper.
Just respect your ex, and still do what he/she's always liked.
Don't Compel him/her to see that you're dying for him/her and need him/her as much as you need to breath, rather make her feel that with the time and by himself/herself.
What to do when you're miserably missing him/her but that of your lovely companion has asked "Don't Call" ! Simple means he/she feels getting bugged by your regular calls, here give him/her time to roll-back in the past memories by actually not bothering her much with your calls, this would firstly make your EX wait for you, expect you and start respecting you and ultimately your EX will get re-attracted towards you.
But here, neither get anguish nor behave arrogant, rather make him/her feel you still care for him/her as you always did.
Build up the bonding with sweet essence and rather than committing about Big Deals, commit not to repeat the mistakes you did in past, commit to offer the space he/she needs, exactly like you do.
Steps & things you should remember in such a situation are...
· First of all just remember, no situation is hopeless.
· Try to pay a little attention to your appearance, then hyping it.
· Consider why it is you broke up in the first place.
· Try to be the person he/she fell in love with, when you firstly met.
· Use the good notes of the past life you shared together to your advantage.
· Listen & give all the due care to his choice of words.
Experiencing a break up, is real very painful, devastating and confusing.
And it's no Hard Fact that we all in such a situation would love to win the EX back in our life, since it is actually possible the only thing you got to take care of is that you don't make him/her WEAR you like a regular CLOTH, rather make him/her feel that you as a dress cover him/her for his/her dignity and things gets pretty with the time, with the thoughts that we develop, not by posing them on your love forcibly.