Debt Relief - Make Yourself Feel Better Call Your Creditors
Call them before they call you.
If you are going to have trouble making a payment then call them up and tell them.
It is much better to be in a position where they know rather than find out when they do not receive.
In many cases they will only become aware of financial difficulties if miss payments or don't pay as much as the agreed amount.
Most people fear their credit card or the bank, take control and keep them informed of what they need to be doing, this isn't always the case and in many situations you know your financial situation long in advance of them finding out you have problems.
By calling them in advance you could avoid nasty letters in the post or threatening phone calls from debt collection agencies.
If you have found yourself in financial difficulties then contact the people you owe money to.
This way you can negotiate with them on the ways that you are going to be paying the money back.
If you are working overtime call them up and tell them how many hours you worked and how much more you can afford to pay this month.
In a number of cases they will not know how to handle the call and you will have to explain that you would like them to make a note on your account that you have taken the time to call them to let them know your current situation.
This works in different ways, firstly it allows you to keep on track of what you are paying back and gives you more control over your finances, secondly it makes you feel wonderful being able to tell them how much you are looking forward to getting out of debt.
They will tell you that you don't need to call hem and tell them butI want you to practice this phrase "Yes I do because by paying off an extra X this month you won't be able to charge me the interest on X next month and it makes me feel better!" They will be lost for words and you will feel much much better.