At Some Point Mahmoud Ahmedinejad Will Need to Stop Blaming the West & Look Into His Mirror
But, that is what is happening, and he has single handedly put his entire population at risk of war, and under the "quell" of economic sanctions.
After the Iranian elections the Iranian People took to the streets in protest of his re-election, after voting irregularities were discovered to be so pervasive that his political opponents believe that the election count was a fraud.
But rather than addressing this issue Mahmoud Ahmendinejad stated that even if the vote was incorrect or 2-3 million votes were fraudulently counted, it does not matter because he would have won anyway? Now the Iranian President claims it is the West Media causing all the protests and riots in Iran, but in reality the problem is no one's fault but his own.
Thus, at some point Mahmoud Ahmedinejad will have to stop blaming the West and look into his own Mirror for the answer because clearly the Western Media had nothing to do with this election, please consider this.