3 Factors That Led to Imperialism
- Nationalism, or pride in one's nation, has been a major contributor towards imperialist actions by nations over the years. The desire to have more land, dominate other people and impose their values on others was a motivating factor for cultures, such as the Romans, who conquered many parts of Europe and the Mediterranean coast, the Nazis in Europe or the Japanese in Asia in the 20th century.
- Religion has frequently been used as a reason for imperial expansion. Cultures have sought to impose their religion on others and used this as an excuse to take over countries. In the 19th century, Britain follow up on missionary expeditions to Africa by taking over countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, originally on the basis of "civilizing" the native cultures.
- Economic reasons are always an important motivation for imperial expansion. Taking control of another country's natural resources was a reason for imperial actions by the British in India and South Africa. Mother countries have sought to make themselves richer and more powerful or to protect investments they had in the economies of other countries.
- Strategic position is another reason for imperialism. Taking control of major ports or positions around the world to keep military security is always critical to maintaining an empire. The British and Dutch fought for control of the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) and British and French battled over the Suez canal (Egypt). Both of these conflicts were for controlling trade routes. Strategic position meant that there were friendly ports where a navy could refuel and restock.