Playground Safety in Preschools
- To prevent swing-related playground injuries, create a boundary around the swing set area and do not allow childen to stand in the swing.Jupiterimages/ Images
Injuries involving swings happen when children walk or run too close to swings already in use. To prevent swing-related injuries, create a boundary around the swing set using railroad ties or low growing plants. Remind children not to enter the swing area unless they plan to swing on a vacant swing. When possible, install flexible rubber seats instead of plastic or metal. Rubber seats help secure the child into the seat. Remind children to sit down securely in the swing before swinging. Do not allow children to stand in the swing. - Clear the sandbox of any dangerous bugs or broken toys that might cause injury during play.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Check the sandbox for biting and stinging insects such as fire ants, yellowjacket bees, wasps and poisonous spiders. Clear the box of dangerous bugs or contact an exterminator and have the sandbox treated. Ask the exterminator how long children should wait before returning to the box. Check the sandbox for broken glass and clear the box of any broken or chipped toys which might cause injury during play. Limit the number of children allowed in the sandbox at any given time and remind children not to throw sand to avoid eye injuries. - Remind children to watch for swinging and kicking feet and encourage peer support and sharing while playing on a jungle gym.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Supervise jungle gym play to ensure proper use. Do not allow children to walk across or balance their way across the top beam of a jungle gym. Reinforce peer support and sharing while playing on a jungle gym so that children do not push and shove their peers off the ladders and rods. Encourage children to watch out for their peers and help them complete jungle gym tasks safely. Remind children to watch for and stay clear of swinging and kicking feet while playing. - Have responsible adults check playground equipment for safety and supervise children at play.Ryan McVay/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Have an adult check the playground for faulty equipment and supervise children on the playground. Do not allow children to use any equipment in need of repair. Walk around the playground while children play. Check for proper use of playground equipment. Remind children to tie their shoes and secure loose clothing that might get caught on equipment while the child plays. Discuss playground rules with children before allowing them to use the playground. Award children for good playground behavior and set firm consequences for breaking playground rules.