Superchic[k] Interview
Erin Coleman ( recently sat down with the members of Superchic[k] to talk about where they've been and where they're going. She shares their thoughts with us here.
Erin: First off, give some background information about how the band was first formed.
Dave: Max and I were in a band called Church of Rhythm and everyone was getting married. It was kind of him and I left and we came up with the idea for this band Superchic[k].
It was just based on a lot of the ideas we heard on the road in the band Church of Rhythm. Specifically a lot of girls would come up to us with issues about self-esteem and even suicide because we had a song about suicide. Max and I thought that it would be better for girls to talk to those girls and it was an opportunity to start a girl band that would help with their issues.
Tricia: My sister and I met them at one of their concerts and it started! Now it's all history.
Erin: What plans do you have for the next album?
Brandon: This next album is going to drop October 19th on Inpop Records! It's going to be the same formulas but it's all going to be different. This next album is going to be even better than the first or second.
Tricia: We are just now working on it. We are very much in the start of the next album, even though it's supposed to be finished very soon. So don't tell our record label! We are working on it right now. We are very excited about it. As far as how it will end up is kind of hard to tell because all of the songs are in the beginning stage so they could become something else very easily.
We will let it be a surprise. It is going to be really good!
Erin: You have done so many things these past couple of years. Which event has been the most memorable for the band?
Brandon: For me it would be actually joining the group. I joined the group in October. My first show was Halloween. That's when it all happened.
Dave: The most memorable thing for me was actually leaving the band and then coming back. I took about a year off just because I didn't know where God really wanted me. I didn't think at the time it was here with the band. I felt that this is just the purpose that God has set me up for and what He has prepared me for. That was kind of a life changing thing and it is awesome to be back.
Tricia: We have gotten to go overseas a lot. We played in New Zealand and Australia. Those are my favorite places that I have ever been to. We got to play at a festival called Parachute Festival that is the biggest festival in all of New Zealand. They put us on the main stage just because we are American. It was just amazing to play in front of this hillside of thousands of jumping people. That was pretty cool.
Erin: What is one of your favorite ways to kill time while you are on the road?
Dave: Sleep! We also love playing the piano. We play lots of places that have pianos backstage and Brandon and I take advantage of the availability of a piano. We spend hours tinkering around.
Tricia: I think that everyone in the band would probably say that I am on the phone a lot. I maintain lots of friendships while I'm on the road so the phone helps me in that process.
Erin: Have you experienced any strange or funny encounters with fans?
Matt: There was one time where a fan followed us to our hotel room and then fell asleep in the lobby. He wanted to sleep over. I told him he couldn't do that and made him sleep in his car. He was spooking me out!
Tricia: We get random silly proposals. I had these guys buy me a ring once. I have this shirt that says "Buy me something" but then they thought they weren't going to meet me so they took the ring back. So they gave me the receipt to prove that they bought it. That was kind of weird.
Matt: They were from Canada and everyone from Canada is kind of weird!
Dave: Watch what you say about Canada because I am originally from Canada.
Tricia: I think we better move on!