Penis Enlargement Pills Work? Yeah Right, and the Earth is Flat
But guess what? So do the thousands of dishonest people that are all too willing to profit from your emotional pain.
I'm not here to tell you that penis enlargement is a myth - it isn't - you *can* have a bigger penis.
But only if you follow a real plan and if you don't fall for all these penis pill scams...
It would be fine if they were selling something that actually had a small chance of working, but they are not.
I'm trained in biomedical physiology and human anatomy, and any scientist would be able to tell you that the claims are just garbage.
The ways they say that their products work make no scientific sense - even if those 'secret herbs and spices' could force the body to do all those magical things.
Let's break it down a bit further: * The number one way in which most penis enlargement pills are supposed to work is by increasing blood flow to the penis.
That's just dumb.
At the very best, all that could possibly do is to improve erections.
If this was true, then men using those famous blue pills would be reporting a very obvious side effect - gigantic penises! But they aren't are they? In any case, if you want to improve blood flow to your penis, then take a baby aspirin every day, supplement with salmon oil, and lose that fat gut if you have one.
Those are very real, scientifically proven solutions that can improve your penis health.
* Testosterone is the main hormone that makes the penis grow during puberty.
Once you're an adult, then hormone or drug or herb based interventions don't do squat! If they did, then bodybuilders would have larger penises than horses because of all the testosterone and testosterone derived steroids they take! How in heavens name could a puny 'natural' supplement do what mighty testosterone cannot? * If these miracle penis pills really work, then why do they have to rely on huge networks of spammers to send all their 'advertising' to just about every email inbox on the planet? Surely a pill that can enlarge a penis would have been all over the news by now? And why are the penis enlargement surgeons making more money than ever? I've been there.
I've fallen for a lot of scams because I was desperate, even with my scientific training.
I was very close to going for surgery.
But I found a much better way that needed only my own hands.
No pills, or badly constructed gadgets or dangerous penis pumps.
With just a few minutes a day of gentle but surprisingly effective exercises I finally started getting the penis growth I longed for for years.
Once I had my first success, I could now objectively look at what worked and what didn't.
And that's when I found a medically proven penis enlargement device (not a pill!) that really boosted my penis growth.
Now, almost 3 inches bigger, and much thicker, I am almost content with my penis size...