Create a Subscription Website to Make Money
The problem with an individual sale is that having purchased a product, a particular customer has gone - perhaps forever of perhaps until you have another product to sell.
The benefits when you create a subscription website, or membership website as it is often referred to, arise from you being able to maintain contact with your customers on a regular basis, and on a more intimate basis than with an unpaid internet marketing list.
Here are some benefits of creating a membership site: • Maintaining contact with your customers outside of a regular internet marketing list.
• Receiving regular payments, usually monthly, that you can count on coming in, month after month.
• Having a ready-made market for your products or for new affiliate products as they become available.
• Being able to offer new products to your customers prior to launch date.
• Giving you a whole month between communications to come up with useful information and products.
• Your subscription website is an excellent source of product reviews - ask you customers to review any products they have purchased, and include these on your site.
• When you create a subscription website you ask your members to participate in online polls that you can use to your advantage.
• You will become known as an expert in your niche, making it easier for you sell products outside your membership list.
• You can still maintain a normal internet marketing list, and gradually persuade members to join your membership site.
There are several more benefits, but let's discuss some of those above in more detail so you can better understand the benefits you receive when you create a subscription website 1.
Maintaining Contact with Your Members Once you have created a subscription website you will be able to contact your members any time you wish.
A lot depends on how your membership site is set up, but you can either email them or place notices on the membership for every member to see.
Generally, you will use the latter method for general notices such as information on the launch of new products that may interest them or additional to the permanent info-products on the site.
Rather than email individual members, you would normally use a Private Message system that most good subscription or membership site software will offer.
They will be informed that a PM is awaiting them that offers information directed to them only.
For example, if a member has a specific interest in a specific aspect of your niche, then you could use a PM to let them know a new product on the market that relates to that interest.
Alternatively, when you create a subscription website you might ask a specific individual, or a group, to give you a review or testimonial of a product - perhaps your own product that you give free for selected individuals to offer a testimonial that you can include on your sales page.
You can do a great deal with members of a subscription site that benefits both them and you.
Regular Payments When you create a subscription website, you are guaranteed monthly payments as long as your members remain with you.
To ensure that, you have to keep them happy with useful information and not just continually try to sell them products.
Unless they are getting good value for money other than just being offered continual sales pages, they will not stay members for long.
You also have the option of tying them into an agreement with you for longer.
You can offer the option of 3-month, 6-month or even annual membership giving them discounts.
You have the security of locking them in as members of your subscription site for a specific time period.
Yes, you will have to offer a guarantee, but that applies to all members, and you are responsible for keeping the site interesting with fresh content that keeps them with you.
Maintaining a Standard List Your members should not be on any other list but your membership list.
You should still run a standard marketing list, with squeeze pages on your websites or forms on each of your web pages, and you should try to collect the contact details of those that refuse to join your subscription site first time round.
If you use a good autoresponder for that, such as AWeber or GetResponse, then you will be able to write a few messages that they receive on a regular basis, for example every two days for 14 days, explaining in each succeeding email a different benefit they will receive by joining.
Your final email could summarize all the benefits, with a Subscription Link on each email.
You can also send a broadcast email to all list members at various times offering them special deals for joining, such as first month half-price or first week for $1.
You don't lose through this because they are not yet members, and statistics show that once you create a subscription website and people join, even if only meaning to do so for a short period, they tend to remain as members.
These are just a few of the benefits and ways that you can use to create a subscription website to give you a monthly income you can count on.