Personal Security Products - Best For Your Personal Safety
no less than control of the city streets.
They pointed out that Cook County jail, one of the country's largest, has nearly 100,000 inmates over 95% are gang members.
Their big thing is drugs which are sold openly on Chicago Streets.
That sounds terrible and is but the situation is replicated in nearly every city in the country.
High unemployment, bad/no education, dwindling job prospects, and worst of all the prospect of budget cutbacks effecting police performance all are to blame for what some are calling a crisis.
So what the heck can you do? First of all recognize that no one is going to protect you, your family and your home except YOU.
Sorry just a fact! The sooner you recognize this and the sooner you prepare the better.
Here are some ideas 1.
Get some basic self defense training.
There are tons of self defense DVD's out there for people of all skill levels and athletic abilities.
Usually no special ability is needed for the basics-just a desire to learn.
The cool part is it can be done in your own home at your pace perhaps even as a family project.
Get some personal protection products.
Products like stun guns, pepper sprays, personal alarms are great for men, women, seniors or anyone interested in protecting themselves and their family.
Yes after you decide which product(s) are best for you, learn how to use them and practice so it becomes second nature to use them.
I actually recommend carrying at least two personal protection products.
For example if you carry a pepper spray and use it but miss your target then you have a back up in, as an example, a stun gun.
You have to work pretty hard to spend more than $100.
00 on even three-a pepper spray, stun gun and personal alarm.
Is your life worth $100.
00? Remember too that the purpose of personal protection products like this is to give you time to seek safety, help or just get away from a dangerous situation.
They all do that in spades.
If you are in the market for a self defense product look for quality, effectiveness, and a biggie-LEGALITY.
Stun guns are not legal in some states.
Check with your local police department first before you get one.