Try These Good Ideas To Repair Your Bad Credit
Be careful about which collection accounts you pay off. With the current way the credit reporting system is structured, paying off a collection agency may actually lower your score because the date of last activity will be reset. A paid collection has no less of an impact on your score than an open collection. This resetting of the date of last activity also means the seven year reporting clock will restart. If you can wait out a collection agency, do it.
Credit repair scams are a dime a dozen, so understanding what is legit and what isn't is key in finding someone to help you with your problems. For example, if a company contacts you but doesn't tell you about your Fair Credit Reporting Act rights, then they aren't a trustworthy business.
If you are trying to improve your credit history and repair issues, stop using the credit cards that you currently have. By adding monthly payments to credit cards into the mix you increase the amount of maintenance you must do on a monthly basis. Every account you can keep from paying adds to the amount of capital that may be applied to repair efforts.
When attempting to access new credit, be aware of regulations involving denials. If you have a negative report on your file and a new creditor uses this information as a reason to deny your approval, they have an obligation to inform you that this was the deciding factor in the denial. This allows you to target your repair efforts.
Do not file for bankruptcy. This stays on your credit report for 10 years. It may sound like a good idea at the time, but avoid doing this at all costs. Even though you can clear out all of your debt at once, this will remain on your credit report for awhile.
To figure out how to best start improving your credit, order copies of all three major credit reports. Read through them carefully to see what's reducing your credit score, and if any information on the report is incorrect. It's important to obtain all three reports because most creditors won't report to every credit bureau.
Before signing up with a credit repair counselor, be sure they are a legitimate company. There are many scams that exist in order to take advantage of desperate people in serious debt. Read the reviews from other customers and the company's listing with the Better Business Bureau before signing anything with a credit repair counselor.
We hope that you've found these tips helpful and motivating. Credit problems can take quite a toll on your peace of mind, but developing a plan will help get you back on track. Now you can take a deep breath and begin taking the first steps. Take heart because you are now on your way to lightening your credit burden.