Vastu For Plots
Vastu is basically a science of structures and completely deals with the directions. Vastu Shastra is a big field and one can find many remedies for the well-beings and their surroundings. There are many things to be taken in to consideration while deciding to construct a building. Of the most important things, choosing the right site or plot is extremely crucial. Hence, it always advisable to take consultation from Vastu Shastra expert before purchasing a plot or buying a flat, house or any other buildings rather than taking his advice in the later part of construction. At this point of time damages would have already been made. Thus, these results should need to be avoided.
From whom should a plot not be bought? The answer to this question is provided by Vastu Shastra and as per it, a plot or land site should never be purchased from - people who became insolvent, troubled from leprosy, lunatics or people who are not in country etc. Likewise, sites that are given in donation to temples, assigned to watchman of colony or village, lands possessed by charitable trusts and sites with no title deed should not be bought. Also, lands holding boulders, worm hills, ant hills, skeleton and bones etc should not be gained.
In what direction should a plot or land site face? The direction of the plots plays a very important role in its construction. Different directions are beneficial for various types of persons and organizations. Let's take a look on them. Plots which face the East direction are considered good for philosophers, professors, scholars, teachers, priests etc whereas plots that face the West direction helps the people who truly support the society. Also, plots facing the North are good for people in administration, power and who function for the government and the plots facing South are considered best for the business class and people who work in business concerns.
An extremely important factor where light is to be thrown is at the surroundings or environment of the plots. If the environment is not good, the resulting problems come in many ways. Hence, it is crucial to look at the following aspects:
· It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.
· A big canal or the river located on the North Side and its waters flowing from West to East, is a good sign. The same way if the river is on the East side with water flowing from South to North, is also considered good.
· If there are mounds of Earth, big boulders, hills etc towards the South West, Southern and Western sides of the site or plot, it is good. Otherwise, it would affect the progress.
· It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back.
· Also, plots near to temples have a chance to affect the inmates. Plots having temple towards its right causes material loss, on the left causes sorrow and grief and in the front it causes obstruction to develop.
Thus, keeping these things in mind, it is very important to consult an expert in Vastu Shastra before constructing the building as it renders happiness and prosperity ever through the life relieved from problems.
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From whom should a plot not be bought? The answer to this question is provided by Vastu Shastra and as per it, a plot or land site should never be purchased from - people who became insolvent, troubled from leprosy, lunatics or people who are not in country etc. Likewise, sites that are given in donation to temples, assigned to watchman of colony or village, lands possessed by charitable trusts and sites with no title deed should not be bought. Also, lands holding boulders, worm hills, ant hills, skeleton and bones etc should not be gained.
In what direction should a plot or land site face? The direction of the plots plays a very important role in its construction. Different directions are beneficial for various types of persons and organizations. Let's take a look on them. Plots which face the East direction are considered good for philosophers, professors, scholars, teachers, priests etc whereas plots that face the West direction helps the people who truly support the society. Also, plots facing the North are good for people in administration, power and who function for the government and the plots facing South are considered best for the business class and people who work in business concerns.
An extremely important factor where light is to be thrown is at the surroundings or environment of the plots. If the environment is not good, the resulting problems come in many ways. Hence, it is crucial to look at the following aspects:
· It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.
· A big canal or the river located on the North Side and its waters flowing from West to East, is a good sign. The same way if the river is on the East side with water flowing from South to North, is also considered good.
· If there are mounds of Earth, big boulders, hills etc towards the South West, Southern and Western sides of the site or plot, it is good. Otherwise, it would affect the progress.
· It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back.
· Also, plots near to temples have a chance to affect the inmates. Plots having temple towards its right causes material loss, on the left causes sorrow and grief and in the front it causes obstruction to develop.
Thus, keeping these things in mind, it is very important to consult an expert in Vastu Shastra before constructing the building as it renders happiness and prosperity ever through the life relieved from problems.
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