Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Causes and Effective Natural Treatment
Yet the actual cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. But according to some people it is the pain which is caused by abnormal sensory processing in the central nervous system. The other main causes of fibromyalgia are cytokine function which is abnormal, decreased level of tryptophan and serotonin, reduced quantity of flow of blood to the thalamus region of the brain, in the spinal cord increased level of substance P (nerve sensitivity to pain is increased by this chemical) and imbalance of hormones in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Some of the major symptoms of fibromyalgia are headaches, irritable bladder, depression or anxiety, change in skin color, sensitivity to noise and temperature, pain in pelvic region, severe fatigue, memory and cognitive problem, restless leg syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorder. Though, these symptoms may vary according to the condition.
The problem of fibromyalgia may be treated naturally also. Increase the intake of high- fiber diet which includes plenty of raw and steamed vegetables. So make a habit to maximize your intake of greens. Make a habit of taking small meals at equal intervals instead of taking one large meals. Increase the intake of pure water and plentiful of liquids as they are helpful in flushing out toxins. You can also go for herbal teas and fresh juices. Restrict the intake of alcohol, caffeine and sugar as these substances increases the pain in the muscle and also enhances fatigue. Due to these problems one can have interference with normal sleep patterns. Alfalfa contains flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, minerals, coumarins, sterols and saponins. These elements help the Alfalfa to control the pain so it is used in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Omega-3 fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory agent. So the substances like oils of fatty acid, flax seed etc are very effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia as they contain omega-3 fatty acid.
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