It is very important that you decide how you want to layout your site before you even begin writing it. This will keep you from creating a lot of unnecessary pages that will just clutter up your site. It will also make it easier for you to keep track of what pages you have and where you put them in your files.
In your main file you should have your main page, biography page and, if wanted, your description page.
It may be better to put the description of your site right on the main page but that's up to you. Most hosting services require that you call your main page "index". What you call the rest of the pages is up to you.
Next you should create a new folder and call it something like "entries". This is where all your diary entry pages will go. At this level you should keep daily entry page and also create another folder for your archived pages. You could name them by month and year to keep them separate.
You will also want to have another folder named "graphics", "pictures" or something to that effect. This is where you keep any pictures you will place on your site. This folder should be placed under your main folder.
Click here to see what the "main" folder will look like.
Click here to see what the "entries" folder will look like.
At the top right of this page you will see a chart to help you understand the layout of a Web site.