Weddings - The Eternal Relationship
A wedding takes place when two people decide to stay together for their entire life.
It is the ceremony which binds two people in one knot and even joins their families.
Wedding is the traditional ceremony and custom that has been taking place from the very beginning that is from the ancient ages.
This tradition and custom differs greatly between different cultures, countries, religions, groups, caste and even social classes.
Wedding ceremonies Mostly takes place with the exchange of promises and vows by the two people that is the couple and the declaration of the wedding by a priest or the authority head or the leader.
The people who are invited to the wedding give their blessings to the newly wed couple in the form of presents, gifts, flowers, money and some symbolic item.
These presents help the couple in starting their new life.
Wedding in all the culture takes place with lots of rituals and ceremonies, lot of celebrations and glamour followed by the grand reception party for the newlywed couple.
The wedding ceremony also includes music, prayers, readings from the religious books and poetry in order to officially declare to the society that the couple will be staying together for the entire life.
There are many different cultures in this world and each culture has their own way of performing the marriages.
It is generally seen that the most of the culture adopt the traditional western way of marriage with the custom that the bride must wear a white dress which symbolizes the purity of the Victorian age and it is the tradition which is been carried forward since then.
The white wedding tradition and the veil are the woman's choice for the second marriage.
One of the oldest traditions of the wedding which is followed in almost all the religions, culture and sect is the exchange of the ring which is believed to be the universal symbol of marriage and love between the two people.
In the western culture, it is believed that the round shape of the ring indicates the unlimited love and perfection of the relationship.
The marriage is the commitment and the union of two people who promise to stay together and help each other for the entire life with their love and faithfulness.
The western culture also includes the rituals of the couple's first dance and the cutting of the wedding cake.
In a wedding ceremony all types of music are played including the professional songs, wedding march and the reception dance music with the trumpet tune.
The chicken dance is one of the most famous dances and has become popular in the reception parties these days.
There are various customs of wedding like African custom which is called as pygmy wedding traditions and is supposed to be very simple.
It just includes the visit of the families at each other places and presents to the couple.
These people can have more than one wedding.
The Arab wedding custom has two types of cultures, i.
the western culture for the Christian wedding and the Muslim culture for the Muslim wedding.
In the Muslim tradition the marriages cannot be forced on anyone as the ritual includes the willingness to get married for both bride and groom.
The Bengali wedding custom also includes two types of culture that is the Hindu and the Muslim culture.
There are even Chinese wedding customs which include the tea ceremony which is a very old way of conducting marriages in china.
These different cultures have different ways of conducting marriages but they all mean the same that is the union of two souls and the promise to stay together for the life time.
It is the ceremony which binds two people in one knot and even joins their families.
Wedding is the traditional ceremony and custom that has been taking place from the very beginning that is from the ancient ages.
This tradition and custom differs greatly between different cultures, countries, religions, groups, caste and even social classes.
Wedding ceremonies Mostly takes place with the exchange of promises and vows by the two people that is the couple and the declaration of the wedding by a priest or the authority head or the leader.
The people who are invited to the wedding give their blessings to the newly wed couple in the form of presents, gifts, flowers, money and some symbolic item.
These presents help the couple in starting their new life.
Wedding in all the culture takes place with lots of rituals and ceremonies, lot of celebrations and glamour followed by the grand reception party for the newlywed couple.
The wedding ceremony also includes music, prayers, readings from the religious books and poetry in order to officially declare to the society that the couple will be staying together for the entire life.
There are many different cultures in this world and each culture has their own way of performing the marriages.
It is generally seen that the most of the culture adopt the traditional western way of marriage with the custom that the bride must wear a white dress which symbolizes the purity of the Victorian age and it is the tradition which is been carried forward since then.
The white wedding tradition and the veil are the woman's choice for the second marriage.
One of the oldest traditions of the wedding which is followed in almost all the religions, culture and sect is the exchange of the ring which is believed to be the universal symbol of marriage and love between the two people.
In the western culture, it is believed that the round shape of the ring indicates the unlimited love and perfection of the relationship.
The marriage is the commitment and the union of two people who promise to stay together and help each other for the entire life with their love and faithfulness.
The western culture also includes the rituals of the couple's first dance and the cutting of the wedding cake.
In a wedding ceremony all types of music are played including the professional songs, wedding march and the reception dance music with the trumpet tune.
The chicken dance is one of the most famous dances and has become popular in the reception parties these days.
There are various customs of wedding like African custom which is called as pygmy wedding traditions and is supposed to be very simple.
It just includes the visit of the families at each other places and presents to the couple.
These people can have more than one wedding.
The Arab wedding custom has two types of cultures, i.
the western culture for the Christian wedding and the Muslim culture for the Muslim wedding.
In the Muslim tradition the marriages cannot be forced on anyone as the ritual includes the willingness to get married for both bride and groom.
The Bengali wedding custom also includes two types of culture that is the Hindu and the Muslim culture.
There are even Chinese wedding customs which include the tea ceremony which is a very old way of conducting marriages in china.
These different cultures have different ways of conducting marriages but they all mean the same that is the union of two souls and the promise to stay together for the life time.