Do You Know Who You Are?
Sitting here at my computer the sun rising over my left shoulder a thought crossed my mind, a thought which seemed to suspend time, Who Am I? As I wrote these three little words on to paper, these three words we use every day, it felt as if they leapt from the page and filled the room.
Suddenly these three little words seemed bigger than everything else around me.
My name is Sharon Pannone, this is not who I am, two separate words made up in this world with different meanings that others in this world use as well.
One my parents decided on when they found out I was coming into this world and the other a family name passed down through generations, when traced back having something to do with cloth.
I realize in our society I falsely define myself as these words, who are you? I am Sharon Pannone.
As I stop and think about who I am it is not my name, as I look at my body I might say this is who I am but this is not who I am either, it is just the home that protects the miracle of my existence.
My body, my name these are things that I have in this world that are used as tools to navigate my way through life, they are not Who I Am.
Who I Am is a non physical being connected to the Source of creation, I am spirit, I am soul, and I exist in body form.
I have the capability to create the vibrational state I choose my mind and body to exist in.
Through the law of vibration everything we know, everything we see exists in this state of motion everything is moving, vibrating.
I am the one who chooses to move into a positive or a negative vibration.
I can recognize the state I am in by my feelings, when I am happy, at peace, joy filled I am in a positive vibration, when I am not feeling well I am in a negative space of vibration.
I attract from the vibration of 'like energy', if I am at a negative vibration this will be the only energy and situations attracted back to me, this is known as the Law of Attraction.
Who I am is molecules and vibration, the movement of my mind creates the manifestations of my outside world.
Take a moment to look around the room you are in, everything at one time was just a thought that started in someones mind before being manifested into our world.
I can choose to follow and believe the thoughts and idea's of another, or I can use our own imagination to create my own images and ideas.
Once I imagine an idea I then have the choice to let the thought pass or to focus upon it, some might say obsess and imprint it into my subconscious mind creating energy motion in the Universe for it to manifest it into my world.
It was Napoleon Hill who said 'What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
' My thoughts effect the Universe they are cosmic waves and I am a contributor to the creation within this world.
We are powerful beyond our wildest imagination, we creator our lives, it is our birthright.
Who I Am is someone who chooses not to waste the one life given to me.
Who I Am is someone who lives in the positive, someone who believes in the power of the creator, someone who believes in love, believes in living life not existing in it, someone who loves the joy of playing it un-safe, who loves the rewards of breaking out of her comfort zone, Who I Am is adventurous, someone with a willingness to go places others would not dare.
Now that we figured out Who I Am it's time to move on to the next big question, Why am I here?, I think it best I leave this one for another day.
Suddenly these three little words seemed bigger than everything else around me.
My name is Sharon Pannone, this is not who I am, two separate words made up in this world with different meanings that others in this world use as well.
One my parents decided on when they found out I was coming into this world and the other a family name passed down through generations, when traced back having something to do with cloth.
I realize in our society I falsely define myself as these words, who are you? I am Sharon Pannone.
As I stop and think about who I am it is not my name, as I look at my body I might say this is who I am but this is not who I am either, it is just the home that protects the miracle of my existence.
My body, my name these are things that I have in this world that are used as tools to navigate my way through life, they are not Who I Am.
Who I Am is a non physical being connected to the Source of creation, I am spirit, I am soul, and I exist in body form.
I have the capability to create the vibrational state I choose my mind and body to exist in.
Through the law of vibration everything we know, everything we see exists in this state of motion everything is moving, vibrating.
I am the one who chooses to move into a positive or a negative vibration.
I can recognize the state I am in by my feelings, when I am happy, at peace, joy filled I am in a positive vibration, when I am not feeling well I am in a negative space of vibration.
I attract from the vibration of 'like energy', if I am at a negative vibration this will be the only energy and situations attracted back to me, this is known as the Law of Attraction.
Who I am is molecules and vibration, the movement of my mind creates the manifestations of my outside world.
Take a moment to look around the room you are in, everything at one time was just a thought that started in someones mind before being manifested into our world.
I can choose to follow and believe the thoughts and idea's of another, or I can use our own imagination to create my own images and ideas.
Once I imagine an idea I then have the choice to let the thought pass or to focus upon it, some might say obsess and imprint it into my subconscious mind creating energy motion in the Universe for it to manifest it into my world.
It was Napoleon Hill who said 'What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
' My thoughts effect the Universe they are cosmic waves and I am a contributor to the creation within this world.
We are powerful beyond our wildest imagination, we creator our lives, it is our birthright.
Who I Am is someone who chooses not to waste the one life given to me.
Who I Am is someone who lives in the positive, someone who believes in the power of the creator, someone who believes in love, believes in living life not existing in it, someone who loves the joy of playing it un-safe, who loves the rewards of breaking out of her comfort zone, Who I Am is adventurous, someone with a willingness to go places others would not dare.
Now that we figured out Who I Am it's time to move on to the next big question, Why am I here?, I think it best I leave this one for another day.