How to Qualify for EIC
- 1). Have a paying job. You must have an earned income to qualify for the EIC. You also need a Social Security number and to be a U.S citizen or residential alien for the entire filing year.
- 2). Mark your tax forms as an independent. You do not qualify for the Earned Income Credit if you are a dependent, are under the age of 25, or are over the age of 65.
- 3). Live in the U.S. for at least half of the tax year.
- 4). Determine your income. If you make more than $12,590 with no children (or $14,590 if married), you do not qualify. If you have a child, you cannot make more than $33,241 ($35,241 if married). If you have multiple children, you cannot make more than $37,783 ($39,783 if married).