Bead Weaving Needles
When creating bead woven jewelry, one of the most important tools you will use is a beading needle. There are various types of needles used for jewelry making, but a beading needle used for bead weaving is similar in many respects to a needle used for hand sewing. It is made of steel and often plated with nickle to protect it. Most bead weaving needles are made in either England or Japan.
I have also seen some come from India. The English needles tend to be of higher quality, but some Japanese beading needles are pretty decent as well. They are longer and thinner than needles used for hand sewing, and they come in different diameters, so this is helpful in case you have very tiny beads with very tiny holes. You can use a very thin beading needle to get through those holes. I tend to prefer size 10 or 12 English beading needles and find they work with size 11 seed beads, but this is a subjective element when it comes to bead weaving. You can find beading needles used for bead weaving available at most bead shops as well as online bead vendors.