New York State Knife Laws
- The possession of dangerous knives is strictly regulated by New York state law.knife image by jeancliclac from
The State of New York has strict laws governing the use of knives; the laws also defines which knives are considered legal to own. Individuals possessing illegal knives as outlined under the New York knife laws can be liable for serious charges. It is the responsibility of the owner to find out what kind of knives are legal to own or carry. - According to New York Penal Law Section 265.01, individuals who are in possession of a gravity knife, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, or a cane sword are guilty of possessing a weapon in the fourth degree, which is a class A misdemeanor. Simply owning or having any of these items above means that an individual is liable for prosecution.
- "Metal knuckle knife" is a knife that, when closed, operates as weapon fitting over the knuckles but that can also be opened to function as a single-blade knife. "Pilum ballistic knife" is a knife that has a blade that springs from the handle when a button/lever is pushed. A gravity knife has a blade that is released from the handle when the wielder uses centrifugal/gravity force to spring the blade. The blade of a switchblade knife is one that is hidden in the handle until a button is pushed to release it.
- According to New York Penal Law Section 265.04, no one under the age of 16 is allowed to be in possession of a dangerous knife, which can result in prosecution as a juvenile delinquent. Even those over 16 are not permitted to possess one of the "dangerous" knifes as listed under the definitions section.
- Individuals who manufacture, or aid in the manufacture of, illegal knives such as gravity knives, switchblades, pilum ballistic knives, or metal knuckle knives can be prosecuted under New York State knife laws. It is the responsibility of owners to be neither in possession of such weapons nor to partake in their creation or distribution.
- If an illegal knife is found in a vehicle by an officer of the law, then all persons within the vehicle can be charged with the possession of the weapon. This law does not take effect if the driver of the vehicle is a licensed driver under hire, such as a taxi driver transporting the individual who is in possession of the knife. The individual who has an illegal knife in their possession is presumed to intend to use the weapon unlawfully against another and can be charged with intent, under New York knife laws.