Your Project Failed? Don"t Blame Microsoft, Blame Me
My company's been in business for over seventeen years.
We've done hundreds and hundreds of software implementations.
You'd think with that kind of experience we'd have it down pat.
But we don't.
Every year we have great projects...
and bitter disasters.
We try and try to avoid those bad projects.
But we still have them.
It's not just me.
For example, a recent report says that that there was a dramatic increase in late and over-budget projects in 2010 as compared with 2009.
This study was for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) projects over $5.
5 million using software made by vendors such as Microsoft, SAP, Oracle and Lawson.
Our projects aren't that big.
But they fail just the same.
We go over budget.
We miss deadlines.
But I'd like to be clear: our technology implementations usually do not fail because of the software.
It's not Microsoft's fault.
It's almost always my fault.
Why? Because I'm greedy.
Too greedy.
Recently, we did a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) implementation that failed.
It was for an insurance firm of over a hundred users.
The project went more than 50% over budget and ultimately went live more than four months later than expected.
As the outside consultants it was easy to blame us for many of the problems.
People like to point fingers.
Most consultants make up excuses that shift the blame back on their clients.
But this isn't right.
My projects fail because I'm too greedy.
This project was no different.
And I knew it from the beginning.
Because in the beginning we were competing against two other firms for the business.
And the problem with that is we were all trying to get the business.
Competition brings out the worst in us.
We are forced to come up with unrealistic cost estimates to fit into unrealistic budgets.
We are told to cut back in certain areas.
Our prospective clients complain that costs are too high.
We are asked to give discounts on the software and lower our rates.
We're oftentimes promised that the client would provide internal resources to compensate for less of our time.
None of these demands were unreasonable.
Clients have a right to ask.
They're trying to get the best deal possible.
But that doesn't mean that I have to agree.
But I usually do.
So in this instance, like most instances, I adjusted my proposal and went along with their demands.
Why? Because I'm too greedy.
I wanted the business.
I have payroll to meet.
Overhead to pay.
So I cut back on our estimates, even though my people were telling me not to.
And I lowered our rates.
And I gave in on the software discounts.
I built in hours to be undertaken by the client, knowing full well that they were not qualified to do the work they thought they could.
Ultimately I submitted a proposal that was in line with the client's budget.
And I knew full well that it would take a lot of luck to get it done in the hours I projected.
I knowingly signed off on unrealistic timelines.
I assured the client that we could finish the project by a certain date.
If I wasn't so greedy I would've done things differently before the project even started.
I would've stood firm with our estimates.
The guys in my company have been doing CRM projects for years.
They know how long things take.
They know the problems they're likely to encounter.
You can't cut back on the hours it takes to do something.
It is what it is.
We know that it takes between one and two days to fully install the software on a server.
We know that migrating data from an existing system will take weeks of testing.
We know that a typical user will need five to ten hours of training.
We know all of this.
So why would I pretend that it would take less time? Because I wanted the job.
I'm greedy.
Greedy enough to know that the client wouldn't be able to do the work they think they could do either.
I met the girl who would be running their project internally.
I knew this was the first time she's ever run a project.
I knew that she just joined the company and had little authority over the others she was supposedly assigned to manage.
I knew that her technical knowledge was weak and her experience with our software non-existent.
I knew that sending her away for training at the vendor's location would be a waste of time.
But I nodded my head and assured the client that she would be great.
And I moved hundreds of hours from our column on the project spreadsheet to their column, thereby reducing the external cost of the project.
If I really wanted to help this client I would've stopped what I was doing and looked him in the eye and said to him, straight out, "You are going to fail.
" I should've told him that he wasn't experienced at this kind of thing.
He doesn't do CRM projects for a living.
He's not an expert at implementing these things.
I'm the expert.
I should've told him that you can't wave a magic wand and make things take less time than they do.
I should've explained to him that his budgets were too thin and unrealistic.
I should've warned him that his internal project manager was not suitable for the job.
Would he get angry? Would he not have hired me? Maybe.
But if I had told him the truth I would've been giving him the best service that a consultant could give: honest, straight forward advice.
Of course, I didn't do this.
I kept my mouth shut.
Because I wanted the job.
I'm too greedy.
So much so that as the project continued I continued to let greed get in the way of providing the right kind of service to my client.
For example, I noticed soon at the beginning that timelines were too tight.
The client was asking too much of his people.
Resources were thin.
Other projects were going on.
Work was scheduled to happen through the Christmas and New Year's holidays.
I knew from experience that people are never productive at that time of year.
I knew that there were too many distractions to keep his people focused on the project at hand.
Still I said nothing.
I should've battled to make the timelines more reasonable.
I should've explained that, other than the SEC or IRS, there are few reasons to kill your people over a deadline.
I should have told him how our best projects always built in enough extra days to accommodate unforeseen problems.
I didn't say any of this.
I also didn't say anything when the inevitable happened too: scope creep.
I watched silently as the client's internal project manager agreed to change after change to the plan as users tested the application and made their suggestions.
She was just trying to please.
Instead she was hurting the project.
I should've put my foot down and drawn a line in the sand.
I should've pointed to other successful projects, where proposed scope changes were documented, reviewed and approved for implementation...
in later phases.
But I didn't want to rock the boat.
So I let it all happen.
And here's what eventually happened: the project failed.
So did I learn? Will this ever happen again? Yes it will.
So if you want to hire me to implement your CRM system please think about this.
My people are very good at what they do.
We know the software that we sell inside-out.
We can customize it with our eyes closed.
We're excellent at training.
If you hire us I promise you we'll get your company super productive with this technology.
You'll be doing things quicker and better and be way more productive than you ever were.
But be careful.
I'm greedy.
Sometimes I want the work...
too badly.
I'll nod my head and agree to things that I shouldn't.
I'll make assumptions and cross my fingers under the table hoping that I'm right.
I go into most projects feeling well less than 100% confident that the project will succeed.
To me, every project is a gamble.
If it pays off I profit.
If not, I take my lumps and move on.
Are most IT firms like me? I'm sure many wouldn't admit it.
But the numbers don't lie.
If we were all less greedy, and more honest with our clients, we'd be seeing better project success.
But that's just not reality.