Release Yourself From Being Small
This is something that happens in American schools.
You probably remember the "smart kid" and you, I am sure, also remember "the dumb kid.
" How does this happen? Kids spend a great deal of time in Theta and very easily bend to suggestion from respected adults.
It happens from the messages that parents and teachers give the students in their classes.
There was a study done where the class records were changed around before the teachers were able to read them.
They were not allowed to speak with the previous class teachers, and were told that they had to trust the records and their own observations of the children.
No one knew how powerfully this would affect children's performance.
As it happened, those who had been at the top of their class for years, took a sudden dive if the teacher thought that they were at the bottom.
And, those who had been at the bottom of the class, rose to the top if that is where the teacher thought they should be.
This was never repeated because the effects it had on the children were so extreme.
It was supposed to be a test of the teachers, and was never expected to have this effect on the children.
This was a shock to the test designers and to those who designed teacher education courses.
What did it tell us? We learned that all children can be great if we believe in them, and they can be destroyed by our doubt.
The performance of children has little to do with their intelligence or their talents! You too Have Been Programmed.
Release that Programming What did you love? A young man I know loved talking about sports.
He knew every football and baseball player on every team and all their statistics.
He still does.
I am still waiting for him to realize that he would be a great sports writer or sportscaster.
He is struggling through business and law and can't make up his mind.
Now, this young man was always an honor student and he was given a full scholarship at an Ivy League school.
This can be an impediment, just as being a more middle of the class student can be.
We are programmed by our parents and teachers to reach for "All that you can be!" This is a wonderful motto, but what does it mean in practice? In practice, too often, it is used to browbeat children into professions, courses or positions that look good to the adult but have nothing, or little, to do with the young adult's passion or talent.
Look at Sarah Palin as an example.
She doesn't read and isn't interested in reading.
She is likeable and great on the TV.
Her greatest memories are of being on the basketball team and her interests are all of outdoor activities.
She wanted to be a sportscaster.
Let her be a sportscaster.
Why would anyone try to fit her into the Washington DC box? She will, no doubt, get votes because she is likeable but how is she going to do that job? She doesn't read.
How is she going to review 1,000 page bills or worse? How is she going to survive in a city with libraries, restaurants and museums but no hiking trails or dog sledding runs? Who told her that DC is a better place for her and why did she believe them? Find Your Passion and Trust in the Universe Just as those children who were thought to be at the top of their class moved quickly up, you will too.
Just as soon as you release the judgments that have affected you up until now, you will rise to the top.
The top of what might be your question.
And, this is the best question, because as soon as you remember why you came here and what you wanted to do, you will rise like a cork in the ocean.
Nothing will get you down.
You have some clues.
The things that you most enjoy will be the things that are connected to your soul's purpose.
These are the things you were meant to pursue.
These are the things which will lead you to the top.
You probably remember the "smart kid" and you, I am sure, also remember "the dumb kid.
" How does this happen? Kids spend a great deal of time in Theta and very easily bend to suggestion from respected adults.
It happens from the messages that parents and teachers give the students in their classes.
There was a study done where the class records were changed around before the teachers were able to read them.
They were not allowed to speak with the previous class teachers, and were told that they had to trust the records and their own observations of the children.
No one knew how powerfully this would affect children's performance.
As it happened, those who had been at the top of their class for years, took a sudden dive if the teacher thought that they were at the bottom.
And, those who had been at the bottom of the class, rose to the top if that is where the teacher thought they should be.
This was never repeated because the effects it had on the children were so extreme.
It was supposed to be a test of the teachers, and was never expected to have this effect on the children.
This was a shock to the test designers and to those who designed teacher education courses.
What did it tell us? We learned that all children can be great if we believe in them, and they can be destroyed by our doubt.
The performance of children has little to do with their intelligence or their talents! You too Have Been Programmed.
Release that Programming What did you love? A young man I know loved talking about sports.
He knew every football and baseball player on every team and all their statistics.
He still does.
I am still waiting for him to realize that he would be a great sports writer or sportscaster.
He is struggling through business and law and can't make up his mind.
Now, this young man was always an honor student and he was given a full scholarship at an Ivy League school.
This can be an impediment, just as being a more middle of the class student can be.
We are programmed by our parents and teachers to reach for "All that you can be!" This is a wonderful motto, but what does it mean in practice? In practice, too often, it is used to browbeat children into professions, courses or positions that look good to the adult but have nothing, or little, to do with the young adult's passion or talent.
Look at Sarah Palin as an example.
She doesn't read and isn't interested in reading.
She is likeable and great on the TV.
Her greatest memories are of being on the basketball team and her interests are all of outdoor activities.
She wanted to be a sportscaster.
Let her be a sportscaster.
Why would anyone try to fit her into the Washington DC box? She will, no doubt, get votes because she is likeable but how is she going to do that job? She doesn't read.
How is she going to review 1,000 page bills or worse? How is she going to survive in a city with libraries, restaurants and museums but no hiking trails or dog sledding runs? Who told her that DC is a better place for her and why did she believe them? Find Your Passion and Trust in the Universe Just as those children who were thought to be at the top of their class moved quickly up, you will too.
Just as soon as you release the judgments that have affected you up until now, you will rise to the top.
The top of what might be your question.
And, this is the best question, because as soon as you remember why you came here and what you wanted to do, you will rise like a cork in the ocean.
Nothing will get you down.
You have some clues.
The things that you most enjoy will be the things that are connected to your soul's purpose.
These are the things you were meant to pursue.
These are the things which will lead you to the top.