How to Revive Bird of Paradise Plants
- 1). Improve the soil you are using. Bird of Paradise prefers a very fertile soil, rich in organic matter. Add three to four inches of mulch to the plant, but pull mulch away from the base of the plant. Mulching too close encourages certain forms of rot.
- 2). Allow indoor plants to grow to be pot-bound. According to the University of Wisconsin Extension Service, once plants reach about three feet in height, you should consider replacing the soil yearly, but keep the plant crowded for the best show of flowers. Re-pot in early spring if necessary.
- 3). Ensure proper drainage. The plant likes well-drained soil, but requires consistent moisture to establish itself well and perform at its best. Decrease the frequency of watering in the winter, adding additional moisture when the soil begins to dry. Otherwise, provide frequent moderate watering, with the aim being not to soak the soil. Mist the plant during winter months or if it is in a dry location.
- 4). Fertilize every two weeks during the heaviest periods of growth (usually summer), every three months during other seasons and skip the fertilizer altogether during the winter.
- 5). Provide partial shade if your goal is larger flowers and a taller, more dramatic plant. Plants grown in full sun tend to be smaller. Attempt to provide Bird of Paradise a sunny window if it is grown as a houseplant. Light levels can affect blooming, and plant owners should consider allowing the plant to spend time outdoors during warmer months.
- 6). Re-pot the plant at a more shallow depth. According to the University of Florida Extension Service, the top edge of the root ball should be barely covered. Deep planting may cause a delay in flowering.
- 7). Divide larger clumps of outdoor plants. This is best performed in early summer. Separate the rhizome into pieces (each with a single stem) and space multiple plants six feet apart to leave room for flowers to develop. Wait three months to make the first application of fertilizer. Divided sections may not flower for two to three years.