How to Get Ripped Abs - Build Muscle Fast While Transforming Your Body
John has assembled the most comprehensive personalized training manual I have ever reviewed.
This is not an eBook, this is an entire system with several modules to ensure success and results.
It's a foolproof system and let me tell you how it works to build muscle fast while fat strips off your body quicker than anything.
Not an eBook First thing I want to reemphasize is this is not an "eBook" so to speak.
On a telephone interview I had with John he told me what really makes his system the best is that it is a complete system packed with modules for the individual to customize it to them almost like a trainer does.
The diet is customized for female or male, by bodyweight, and includes a meal plan for each profile.
The system is downloadable but it has several modules and isn't just one small book.
The typical eBooks I have read include a workout program and meal tips but they don't go in depth like How to Get Ripped Abs does.
John includes a meal planner laying out each exact meal.
On top of that he includes a recipe book with healthy meals and a protein shake book.
I tried several of the meals and they are fantastic.
A healthy recipe book alone is worth getting this.
Most Challenging Workouts I've Ever Done The workout plan is the best ever designed for fat loss.
There are 4 phases of 3 weeks each.
Each phase has complex mutli joint exercises giving a full body workout.
The exercise plan is very intense and not a beginners program.
If you are a beginner he even adds a 12 week primer program to get you ready for the core module.
John Alvino leaves nothing out of this system.
I'm an ex Marine and these workouts were kicking my butt! There is a stretching and flexibility section to help for preworkout and postworkout recovery.
The cardio guide is also in depth focusing on high intensity (HIIT) training so that you have short cardio workouts that multiply fat burning by 10 times while cutting the training time by a third.
Results - YES! My results? I lost 12 pounds in 5 weeks and cheated on the diet like crazy (sorry John) - I was just losing fat so fast from the workout plan that I didn't follow it as close as I could have.
I'll be restarting the system come March of 2010 to lose the last of the fast and get ultra ripped.
Best system I've ever reviewed for fat loss and muscle building? By far it is!