Diet to Prevent Stretch Marks
- Drink plenty of water. Hydration keeps skin soft, which helps prevent stretch marks from developing.
Caffeine can raise your risk of developing stretch marks, because it dehydrates the body and takes away water from the skin. When the body is dehydrated the skin can become dry and is more prone to scars such as stretch marks. If you do drink caffeine, make sure you drink enough water to compensate for the amount of caffeine consumed.
Sometimes a lack of nutrients that promote skin health is also a cause of stretch marks. Make sure you get plenty of zinc in your diet because this helps promote healthy skin. You can get your daily allowance of zinc from fish and nuts.
Other nutrients that help promote overall skin health are vitamins A and C. These vitamins help make the skin stronger and make it look healthier. You can get a daily supply of vitamins A and C from foods like carrots, citrus fruits, eggs and milk.
A final nutrient that helps promote overall skin health is vitamin E. Vitamin E helps make skin soft and supple and promotes overall skin health when combined with vitamins A and C. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
Pregnant women should take prenatal vitamins, which contain essential vitamins that help make skin healthier, and also help the fetus develop healthily. These vitamins are essential because during pregnancy you need a higher daily dosage of vitamins because you are supplying vitamins for yourself and your baby.