Louisiana Hunter Safety Education
- In Louisiana, anyone born on or after Sept. 1, 1969, must take a hunter education course to legally hunt in the state. Exemptions include members of the U.S. armed forces (active or inactive), POST (peace office standards and training) certified law enforcement and hunters younger than 16 who do not have a license but are accompanied by a hunter at least 18 years old who has a valid license and has taken a hunter education course, if required.
- Classes cover areas including ethics and responsibility, wildlife management and conservation, how to use guns and ammunition safely, basic outdoor safety and live fire ammunition. Successful completion requires passing a written exam.
- A person can take classes in person or online in a home study format. The home study format has a required field day where the person will take part in live fire exercises and related activities. Classes are free, and volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, including sporting groups and law enforcement, serve as instructors.
- Children of any age can take the hunter education course, but the state only allows official certification for children 10 years and older. Regardless of certification, children 10 and 11 must always hunt under the supervision of a qualified hunter older than 18.
- The state allows residents a one-time deferral of hunter education for a period of 30 consecutive days; non-residents can get a five-day deferral. The person must hunt with someone at least 18 years old who has a valid hunting license and has completed hunter education, if necessary.