Know the Three Blunders That You Need to Avoid to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
In their desperation to get their ex boyfriend back, women frequently resort to unproductive tactics that backfire utterly.
Instead of getting their ex boyfriend back, they only drive their ex further away.
If you wish to earn your ex boyfriend back, you must avoid making the following blunders at all costs.
Do Not Try to Coerce Your Ex Boyfriend Back to You Your ex-lover will recognize manipulation for what it is.
It will make your ex-lover angry, and they will resent you for it.
No one likes being manipulated.
When you attempt to coerce your ex boyfriend back to you, you are sending several bad messages to your ex-lover.
First, you are basically stating that what you want is more important than what your ex-lover wants.
This is incredibly selfish of you, and your ex will identify this as self-centered-and they'd be correct.
Second, attempting to coerce your ex boyfriend back to you essentially means you are trying to violate their freedom to make their own choices.
Your ex will identify this as disrespectful-which it is.
Do Not Beg, or Attempt to Evoke Remorse or Sympathy Pleading demonstrates desperation, which forces people away.
Attempting to induce guilt or pity in your ex-lover are kinds of emotional manipulation.
Your ex-boyfriend will resent this for the same reasons listed above.
Your ex will be irritated, angry, and frustrated that you are causing them to feel that way.
If you constantly try to induce such negative feelings in your ex-boyfriend, they will start avoiding you.
Such strategies will also make your ex lose respect for you.
It is difficult to respect a person who is being pathetic (deserving of pity).
Could YOU respect a man who is attempting to emotionally coerce you? 3.
Do Not Make Ultimatums Ultimatums are manipulative, empty, and futile.
First, delivering ultimatums is completely pointless, because you have utterly no means to implement them.
Your ex will realize this immediately.
Second, you don't really have the right to demand your ex-boyfriend to do something.
If you do try to infringe their freedom, your ex-lover will be understandably offended by your presumption.