Why Are Men So Hard To Understand?
When you finally think that you have them figured out something happens that blows your belief.
Regardless of all the jokes and old wives tales men are complicated creatures that require the right balance of emotions and respect.
It does not matter whether you are in a dating relationship, marriage or the beginning of a relationship, the following dating tips will work regardless of what stage you are at and, hopefully, this article will give you a good understanding of how men think, what they want and how you can have a successful relationship.
First, it is important to understand that men and women do not think exactly alike.
Just because you think you understand a comment or behavior it does not mean that you have the correct outlook on the situation.
It takes time as well as experience to understand men and the first step is patience.
A good way to have a better understanding of the male species is to dispel the old tales that you have heard all of your life.
Men have emotions, fragile egos and a fear of failing in your eyes.
What a woman sees as machoness or arrogance from a man may be a defense mechanism.
Sometimes this is a mask that men wear to be a hero in your eyes, they want to be the only one that can satisfy you or take care of you.
That is the leading goal of most men and they work very hard for it.
If they feel that they have failed you will see anger, frustration and them building a wall around themselves.
Understanding the difference of hurt between men and women is very important.
Women, who are hurt will cry and seek friends and family for advice or comfort.
Men will engage in destructive behavior such as drinking, or something that they are not supposed to be doing.
They seek out things which will not provide disappointment or rejection.
Secondly, make sure that you keep a little mystery or spark in your relationship.
You do not need to tell everything or give them a complete rundown of your entire day.
Men are not detailed creatures like women are so a play by play of your day can provide boring for them.
That is not to say that you should not have a conversation, but do not center it around what a coworker wore, the gossip, or other negative occurrences.
Leave a little mystery and understand that you are both entitled to a little bit of privacy in your life.
Understanding that couples are entitled to a bit of privacy in a relationship is one of the most misunderstood dating tips for women ever, but is one of the most important.
Thirdly, if your dating partner is in a bad mood, quiet or just not acting themselves do not automatically think that they are upset with you or there is a problem with your relationship.
Instead take the focus off of you and try to help him with whatever is stressing him.
It may have been an incident at work, with a friend or a financial matter, the point is, do not always think that it has to do with you.
This is a leading fight between men and women.
Because the man is already stressed, the questioning just stresses them even more.
Understand that when men are stressed they typically close up and do not talk.
It is a good idea to gently open this communication between the two of you and let him know that you are there for him when he needs you.
It may take a while to establish this, but if you continue on then eventually you will have good results.
Most dating tips for women focus on superficial behaviors, actions or other irrelevant things.
What we're talking about here are deeper level emotional, psychological functions that can change the entire dynamics of your relationship.