Video: How to Learn to Count Decimal Places
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Rachel, and today we are going to be learning how to learn how to count decimal places. The numbers after the decimal are similar to counting numbers before the decimal. The main difference is the th. For example tenths, hundredths, thousandths are all the placement names after the decimal. Whereas tens, hundreds, thousands without the th, are before the decimal. Let's look at the number 123.456. The three before the decimal is ones. The two is the tens, and the ones is the hundreds. Again, no th. The little other difference is that there's no ones after the decimal. It goes right to the ten but it becomes tenths with the th. So the four is the tenths. The five is the hundredths. And the sixth is the thousandths. So it's the same once you skip the ones, it's the same counting. But then again, you add a th. So you go tenths, hundredths, thousandths and then ten thousandths and so on. And again of course there's no commas. Where as here if you were to add you know a four in front you would have to put a comma. Whereas you don't have to put commas after the decimal. I'm Rachel and thanks for learning with us today.