How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 8
- 1). Click the "Start" button on the toolbar at the bottom of your desktop if you have Windows XP on your computer.
- 2). Choose "Control Panel" from the listed options.
- 3). Select "Add or Remove Programs."
- 4). Scroll down the list of programs in the "Add or Remove Programs" until you find "Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1."
- 5). Click on the program. A "Remove" box will appear at the right of the listed program. Click on this box and the Removal Wizard will appear on your screen. Click "Next" to begin the removal of Internet Explorer 8 from your computer.
- 6). Go to the Control Panel in the same manner if you are using Windows Vista. Select the Uninstall Programs link.
- 7). Choose "View installed updates" on the Tasks pane found on the left.
- 8). Scroll to "Windows Internet Explorer 8" in the list of updates and select it.
- 9). Click the "Uninstall" button and then choose "Yes" in the box that appears to remove Internet Explorer 8 from your computer.