Are You Trying to Get Your Ex Back?
If you are trying to get your ex back then this is probably one of those times.
Going through a break up can cause a lot of emotional and mental stress.
The hardest part of getting your ex back will be keeping your emotions under control.
Letting your emotions lead your actions at a time like this is natural.
It is also a mistake.
If you are letting your emotions take control then it is almost a guarantee that you are going to do things that will lessen the chances of you and your ex getting back together.
Frequently people that are trying to get back together will make some common mistakes.
Calling all of the time.
Leaving a lot of messages.
Apologizing over and over.
Sometimes even as far as begging.
Let's look at some of the problems with these behaviors.
Are you are calling and leaving messages all of the time.
Do you keep wanting to know what they are doing all of the time.
I think you know what the problem here is.
You are starting to act like a stalker.
They will feel like you are pressuring them and this will push them farther away, not bring them closer.
If you have done something that you should feel sorry for then sometimes people will start apologizing over and over.
It is good to apologize when you have made a mistake but you don't want to keep bringing it up.
You know what is going to happen when you apologize to someone every time you talk to them? You are going to remind them every time you talk of exactly what happened and why they are mad.
Not a good idea to do something that is going to keep them angry with you if you are trying to get back together.
As far as begging and pleading.
You know what I mean, constantly asking for another chance.
This will just start to make you look pitiful.
Are you usually attracted to people that you think are pitiful.
It is not likely.