An Overlooked Tip For a Successful Home Business
Ironically it's one of the things that puts our minds in the right perspective that we are going to work and we need to be ready to do our work for the day.
It's also one of the main motivators for people that want to quit their jobs and start their own work from home based business.
I say ironically because I think the act of commuting to work everyday kind of sets the table so to speak for your mind to be ready to work.
The concept of leaving your home and going to a neutral location where you are required to do a certain amount of work in order to get paid is an easy concept to understand.
The problem I think for a lot of people that try to start working from home is that they do not commit to a plan of separation between your home and a work place.
Where do you think people in general are more easily distracted from carrying out a daily work schedule, at home or at a place of business? At home of course, you have all your stuff at home all your personal baggage just sitting around the house waiting for you to pay attention to it.
The odds are you are going to spend a lot of extra time in the beginning of your home based business adventure working on a whole lot of stuff not related to the goal of building a successful business but spending more time doodling with stuff in your personal life.
You know all those things that you don't have time for because you have to commute to some place far away that is not your home.
See my point is that so many people attempt to start their own home business every year only to fail because people ignore such a simple concept.
The idea that there is a time and place for everything home stuff should be kept at home and work is for the work place.
I'm not saying that the two can not coexist because there are thousands of success stories out there where people are working from home.
I bet if you talk to the majority of those people they have a clear plan to their success which includes a place for home life and a place for you work life.
They both may be under the same roof but they are disciplined enough to keep them apart.